Monday, August 24, 2009

Finding time...

Ok, I have done it again! I really think I am too busy to be blogging, but if Tara can do it, then I guess I can too;) haha. I just can't seem to find the time to write in this thing! It's quite the busy day with Canaan Luke:) We wake up way too early, play all morning, then he naps for maybe and hour and a 1/2, then we play some more! No really, there is cleaning the house involved all day too, and dinner to cook. Yes, I cook now. So, now my little angel is sleeping, and so is the husband I take care of. I am free to blog now!
Being a stay at home mom is way more tiring than I ever imagined. But, every bit worth it! I get the joy of seeing my little man grow up. Justin and I are blessed to be able to make it on his income alone. He works so hard which is why he is on the living room floor asleep! Let me tell you, he feel asleep under the fort of pillows and the ottoman that Canaan and I constructed this evening. Normally, Canaan feels it necessary that we play outside all night long but tonight, he was actually very content playing inside with his mama and dada! He never asked once to go outside, it was nice for a change. So, we made this fort and while Justin was hiding under it waiting for Canaan to go in and get him, he went to sleep. Canaan kept going under there giving him things...his water, keys, a golf club, you know, the things you might want to sleep with? Canaan took care of it! He kept going inside blowing his little football whistle at him too. It was so funny and we had the best time. This boy of mine is precious beyond belief!

Canaan Luke is 19 months old today! Can't believe it's gone by this fast. He is a tractor, 4-wheeler, truck, mud, water, bubble, anything electronic, lovin little guy! He loves to watch Mickey Mouse Club House, Special Agent Oso, Little Einsteins and Imagination Movers. He dances, sings, runs, jumps and spin in circles. He draws on paper, or "pap pap". One of his greatest masterpieces is on the fridge;) Loves to read books, feeds himself with forks and spoons, only likes water and milk still, no juice! His favorite words are "Hi", "peese", and "ok". His favorite music is a cd of Bible songs that his great grandmama sent to him. He likes for us to pray and he says "Amen". Tonight, he actually told me to "pay". He eats most foods but doesn't like eggs, steak, or sugary cereals. He loves Cheerios still and anything with blueberry's. His new love is blackberries and Kiwi. He eats his veggies too. He is now kicking a ball around, maybe soccer in his future? He tells us " I luh lu" or I love you. I could keep going but I won't! There are just so many new and great things that our little man and we are so proud of him. Could ya tell?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A quick update!

Nothing too exciting going on right now but had to keep this thing updated so...
There are so many new things that Canaan is doing! I can't believe the things he does sometimes, he amazes me. Like yesterday, his Dada was showing him a book & Canaan pointed to the chicken and said "chee-ken". It was so darn cute! He then proceeded to talk like a chicken. He is just so smart, he climbs up on everything too. I came in the computer room the other day and there he was, sitting in the chair at the computer;)

He is starting to try to help me clean things up too, like if he spills water on the floor, he tries to wipe it up! As we all know, I am part maid and I get enjoyment out of cleaning and organizing so I am trying my best NOT to put that on Canaan. I'm just trying to teach him that cleaning up after ourselves is something that we should all do;)
Let's see, we have been at the barn a lot lately doing riding lessons & Canaan is getting his time on the ponies! He is getting a little more confident & tries to hold the reins. He even touches the horse now! Ha ha, he wouldn't at first.

His little hand is healing well & it's almost to the point where I shouldn't have to wrap it up all day. Although, he likes the wrap, it makes him feel better for some reason:) Canaan & I have got to spend a lot of time with our dear friends Jess & Ava lately. Ava & Canaan are the same age, just 1 week a part exactly. Both born on Thursdays early in the am! They have such a great time playing & I hope that they grow up to be the best of friends. Ava's momma, Jessica, is like the sweetest lady ever! I'm very lucky to have her as a friend. She helps me out whenever I need her to. Just the other day, she watched Canaan so I could go do one of our sign routes. Nice to have friends like that! We went to the the water park last week and walked the lazy river & tried to keep teaching the babies how to swim! He & Ava even went down a little kids slide in the kids area! All by themselves too! It was pretty big, one of those tube kind and they went down like little rockets and went under water & everything! Yay for babies that try things, even if it's a little scary;)

Eating his big boy sandwich at the Water Park!

Ava & Canaan Luke playing at the house after swimming

I guess I should change the title of this post to A Long Update! I just wanted to get it all in this one! On a happy note, Canaan is drinking his milk from other types of cups now. He was super picky about which cup milk should come out of. I still give him the 1 bottle at night, but that's more for my pleasure;) He is in love with his "pap", paci, but it's not aloud to leave to crib! Just night time and naps, but that's about to change! The "pap" is going bye bye at 1 1/2 yrs old. Guess that is all for now, sorry it's all kinda random!
Oh & a BIG thanks to Tara, my lovely cousin, for creating this blog for me. I love it, thanks!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Big Boo Boo!

Canaan Luke had his first trip to the ER yesterday evening:( Justin had brought the 4 wheeler home for he and Canaan to ride because Canaan thinks it is possibly the BEST toy ever! But, it's NOT a toy & he thought it was. They had just ridden it back behind the house & brought it back up in the garage so the exhaust pipe on the back was extremely HOT! I was watering plants right outside the garage and Justin was dumping out the trash can when we turned around to see Canaan crying with his hands out in front of him. It was horrible, I never knew how sad I would be when my baby hurt himself like that. He just reached up and grabbed the pipe and it gave him 2nd degree burns on his hand. Got both hands but one is ok. So, I know accidents happen & you can't watch them 24/7 but we should have known...I just feel so bad for him. Normally I watch him like a hawk in the garage but all it took was a couple seconds of NOT looking.
The ER staff was so great! They got us back pretty quick & got him all fixed up in no time. He just has to wear the bandage around his hand for about a week and 1/2 or so. They gave him all sorts of stuff too, like applesauce & pudding! Yummm, he liked that! So, that was our baby's first ER visit at 16 months...he takes after his Daddy;)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Today was the first day of swim lesson for Canaan! He was suppose to start yesterday, but due to having Roseola last week, we had to start a little late. Let's just say he was excited at first and he quickly lost interest of the pool and boy did he voice his opinion! Little man was pretty upset because I wouldn't let him get out of the pool. I finally caved because I felt bad for the others in the class that had to listen to this little fit:( I let him out on the side of the pool and he went and got his Gamamma's keys and headed for the door saying "bye bye". Oh, the joy of our babies:) Ha ha...what he doesn't know is that he is going back for 6 more days of this!
Testing the water!
Canaan and his friend Ava!And finally one is the pool!

I really hope we have better luck tomorrow!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Little Roper in the makin'!

Well, I don't guess he has much of a choice but he seems to like the horses so far! He calls them "Hahh". Which also sounds much like what he calls a hat. But WE know what he is sayin':) After I gave my lessons Saturday, I let my little cowboy ride a little while. He seemed quite pleased with himself and the horse...that was untill Streaker shook. Horses will shake sometimes and it takes ya by surprise! So, the ride was cut short but overall a good experience for our future roper! Justin just looks at me & shakes his head when I say that:)

So, what else would a little cowboy want on a hot Texas day? A snowcone of course! So Canaan & I went to the BEST snowcone stand around...I say that because my best friend owns it;) This was his very 1st snowcone. I know I know, I don't let him have many sweets, but I figured he needed one! Don't think he liked it at first because he spit it out, but after testing it a few more times, he ate 4 or 5 bites.

One last thing, I forgot to mention the night before, he ate Miracle Grow potting soil! Woops! Justin and I were outside planting some things in new pots and I was using that little shovel thing. I sat it down and Canaan went right for it as usual. I figured he would just try and dig with it but nooo, why dig when you can eat? He scraped off what dirt was left on the shovel and just shoved it in his little mouth. He didn't eat much but I had to call poison control to confirm he was going to be OK. They said to just water him and he'd be fine. Think he grew a little too! Little stinker:) And yes, he even said "cheesh" and gave a big smile to have his picture takin of the leftovers.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My how things have changed!

So, I took Canaan to my friend Megan's house today to play with her son Eli and I realized something. I once thought little babies walking through the pasture with horses was cute, before I became a mother. Now, I stand between my baby and the horse for fear that he might get hurt. Horses used to come first, before I had a baby, now they do good to be ridden once every other month. I used to let my "outside" dog in the house, now she stays outside so Canaan has a a clean floor to eat his Cheerios off of. There was a time when I went to Target for groceries and always bought clothes, shoes and make-up for me, but now all I want to do is buy for my sweet boy. Not to mention there is no extra money, so anything I do buy is for Canaan because it makes him happy. I am happy whenever my son is happy.

I used to think about what I was going to eat for meals, now I think of what healthy and new foods can we come up with today for Canaan! Before I had him, I used to swing on the swings at the park for fun, now I push him for fun. All these things that I enjoyed before I became a mother are nothing compared to the love and adoration that you can feel towards your child. I once thought about my own happiness and now, all I want is for Canaan to be happy. It's great to be a mother, because you get to feel a love that you never imagined. It was just funny how I came to realize this today...all from the horse out in the pasture, getting a little too close for comfort to my precious baby. Things have changed in our lives and it gives me more satisfaction than anything I once enjoyed doing.

I am more aware of my surroundings too. This evening, Justin and I had to go to Denton to get his tux for a friends wedding. So, we took Canaan to a park to let him play because it was beautiful outside! I walk up with Canaan to the playground and there was a man and wife, older, playing with grand kids, or maybe their kids...not sure, anyways, the man knelt down and tried to shake Canaan's hand. This took me by surprise because I don't think it's cool to touch any one's baby without knowing them, especially a weird dude in a park. Canaan shook his head at the man and turned to me and I picked him up quickly. It really bothered me. I never thought I would be so cold towards people or rude. God has trusted me to care for this little baby and I would do anything to keep him safe.

I know this is a long one, but I just noticed a lot today. Tonight, Canaan didn't want to go to sleep, which is unusual for him. I went in to rock him a little and when he looked at me, he signed please and then said "ahh ahh". So, started to sing to him and I was going to stop and put him back in bed and he signed please more for me to sing to him. He was enjoying me singing to him. It filled my heart with so much joy that I could have cried. I am big baby these days! Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for such an amazing gift. When I put him in bed, I ask him if I could leave him now for him to go night night, and he shook his head yes. He is so smart and sweet. Thank you Lord for our little man! I just had to share my thoughts for today because I realized that things really have changed, big time!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Easter Bunny!

Well, to start with, I only got a few pics this Easter:( I couldnt find my camera Easter morning when Canaan woke up to find his Easter basket and I had a horrible headache all day and it was raining! Other than that, it was ok. We went to church with my mom and Canaan wouldn't sit still so it was his first time to go to the nursery! I have never left him with someone other than my mom or mom-in-law, so it was hard...for me and Justin, not Canaan. He did great! When we picked him up, he was playing but very happy to see us. We knew the guy that was watching him pretty well, so it wasn't too bad I guess;)

We went to eat over at Justin's grandmother's house and Canaan got to play with his cousin Sanora's bunny! He didn't want to touch it but when we put the bunny in his cage, Canaan kept talking to him and squealing to him through the bars!! It was so cute. I did get that picture but I left my camera over there so it will have to wait. Then we went and visited with my mom, dad and Nicholas. We didn't stay too long because we had to leave to do our sign route, oh so fun.

Of course tryin to explain what Easter is all about to a 1 yr old isnt easy. I told him but he just looked at me and said buhbuh, "bubble". All he wanted was for me to blow bubbles at him:) Next year will be more exciting for him Im sure. Oh and he says new words every day!! Sunday it was buhbuh, for "bubbles" and jack, for "jacket". He is amazing!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

So much has changed!

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Well, Canaan Luke is now 14 1/2 months old and I haven't posted anything since he got his DOC Band off. I feel horrible about this! I realized today that it's hard to remember all the little things that he did at 9 months and 1 yr and so on. His baby book really stopped at 1 yr as far as where you can write all the stuff down so I am going to be dedicated to making sure I document this baby boy of ours! I have lots of pics:) I'm good there, it's just writing things down. So, heres some catching up!

Justin and I are doing great! He is still working so hard so I can stay home with Canaan. He is such a wonderful man! He loves his family, works hard for us, and loves the Lord. Canaan thinks it's the end of the world when Dada leaves, it's so sad! He adores him and he should.

Canaan is doing so many new things! He eats well, although can be picky in what he wants to eat;) He LOVES juice for this boy! He would eat and sleep outside if we let him and gets terribly upset when we bring him inside. He is so smart! He signs more, please, eat, thank you, and blows kisses! He loves to kiss and hug. He pees in front of the potty every night, but we dont know why..hehe, He hearts bread..mmm his fav, He says Mama, Dada, G'ma, GanGan, dog, duck, cat, uh-oh, hiyo..for hello, g'bye, hole, poopoo, cookie, cracker, and more! He knows animal sounds, his fav is monkeys and dogs, he sits in his chair and looks at ALL of his books once a day at least. He brushes his teeth and calls himself an goo boy, minus the d. His smile is amazingly cute! He nods his head yes and no and does it while doing things he shouldn't. He loves tractors and trucks and says rooooommm, for vroom:) He drives the Wii wheels like he is playing and says rooomm. This boy can dance too! He has happy feet! You say happy feet and he goes to town w/ his feet...Gangan taught him that. He has 4 top teeth and 4 bottom and 2 upper molars. He loves the vacuum cleaner and runs and chases it. He tried to plug anything electronic into any wall, outlet or not. Takes pitures and videos of himself...accidental but he does all the time! He sleeps so well!! Yay:) All night and 2 naps. He tries to feed himself with a spoon, he like cheerios in everything...yogurt, fruit, milk, eggs. He likes to watch...on occassion, Imagination Movers, Handy Manny and Backyardigans. He loves trains and airplanes. He still takes 3 bottles and day, a paci at night, has a stuffed monkey, a snugli, and sits rear facing in the car! Im sure there is way more but Im tired! Ohhh, He absolutely LOVES 4 wheeler rides w/ Dada!

He has now decided that bath time is wasting time. He does it but it's quick. Hates eggs but if there are cheerios involved, then it's a go! Is not fond of diaper changing and is pretty sure naked is the way to be. Prefers dirty hands over clean, or maybe its the process of cleaning them. Dislikes having to hold hands while walking. NO juice or fast foods for this guy! Hates being told no, who doesnt? and he hates to wait for food, impatient on that one!

So, this is Canaan in a couple paragraphs...I'll do my best to keep this up! Maybe it wont be so long then;)