Tuesday, October 28, 2008

9 month chk up

I can't believe it's already been 9 months since our little man was born. It really has flown by and it's hard to remember him being that little. I think I can't remember b/c of the sleep deprivation but Justin remembers more than I do...Wonder why? :) So, he is 70%tile for weight at 21.8 lbs, 75%tile for height at 29 in, and 75%tile for head circ at 46 cm. He is such a big boy! His pedi says everything looks wonderful and he is doing everything he should be and more. He doesn't really care for sippy cups, he'd rather have a real cup! Just messier so Canaan has to do things the messy way! He lets me know when he has a dirty diaper, well he yells at me..does that count? He sleeps from 8:30-7:00, woohoo!!! And still only 2 toofers. Still not a lot of hair either. He got his first flu shot and didn't cry, just yelled at the nurse. He got his finger pricked to test his hemoglobin, didn't cry just looked at her w/ his mouth hanging open;) His iron is a lil low so we went over to the hospital lab to draw blood for a more precise test and they had to draw it from his little arm!! It was the awful. I had to hold my child down while he screamed and turned purple. I felt so bad for my baby, but he is just fine now and forgot all about it and luckily slept all night!
Newborn Canaan Luke

9 Months Canaan Luke

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Still no time!!

Ok, so I still have not had the time to make this blog the way I want it. Oh well, guess Canaan wins over the computer! But, I wanted to give an update on Canaan and his DOC Band. He had his last adjustment yesterday and he is set to have it off in 2 weeks, on Wed. Nov. 5th. We are so excited but kinda not b/c he is sleeping so well in it...He cries when you take it off his head, I think he thinks its part of his head, hehe.
Other than that, nothing real exciting going on. Canaan is just getting so big and doing so many new things. He loves Cheerios now!! And he sits up in his crib in the middle of the night and can't lay back down so he just fold over his legs and goes to sleep. It's so funny!! He is getting around pretty well now and is always getting into something...trash cans, cords behind the tv, shoes, closing doors. We just love him so much and he is such a joy to his mama and dada!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Very sad day:(

Well, our dog Brewster, an English Mastiff, passed away today. He was 8 yrs. old and the BEST dog ever! For Mastiffs, 8 yrs. old is pretty old, but he was in perfect health up till this past Sunday. He had some discs in his neck slip and that caused some nerve damage in his right leg. He was in a lot of pain. We did everything that we could have possibly done for him, but the pain was just too much. It was heartbreaking to see him sad, scared and in pain. He tried so hard to wag his tail and greet us, but he couldn't take it any longer. He lasted like this until today. When I went to check in him, I knew we had to do something for him, anything. My dad and brother took him to the vet and my mom met them there. I know he was waiting on my mom, he knew she needed to hug him goodbye. They made the painful decision to end his suffering. He was a part of our family and always will be. We will always miss his paw shakes and his cute tricks. As hard as it is to see him gone, it was 10X harder to see him in pain. He isn't hurting anymore. He isn't scared or sad. We love you Brew Brew!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Our Mommies Day:)

Once a week or so, some of my friends and I get together for our Mommy and Baby day. We usually just hang out and talk about what our babies are doing. It's so much fun to get together with other mommas just to get some adult time but it's even better watching our babies interact. It's usually Megan and her son Eli, 7 months old, Sarah and her daughter Bobbi Jo, 3 months old, Chelsea and her son G.W., 2 months old, Me and Canaan, 8 months old, and hopefully soon Jessica will be coming with her daughter Ava, 8 months old. Here is a pic of Megan, Eli, Canaan, Sarah and Bobbi Jo!

Megan's baby, Eli, recently had open heart surgery. It was to repair a hole in his heart. He is doing wonderful and is such a good boy! He seems to like Canaan's Band because he was licking it!

Bobbi Jo, the only girl so far in the group, is pretty laid back and loves to sleep! She is a sweetheart.

Canaan loves the other babies. He talks to them and touches them, or pinches;) I am lucky to have all these friends with babies so close in age. I know we will all enjoy watching them grow up together and start to actually play together. Right now their hobbies include diaper changes, eating, drinking bottles, blowing bubbles with drool, screeching, yelling, sleeping, and rolling. What fun!!