Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Today was the first day of swim lesson for Canaan! He was suppose to start yesterday, but due to having Roseola last week, we had to start a little late. Let's just say he was excited at first and he quickly lost interest of the pool and boy did he voice his opinion! Little man was pretty upset because I wouldn't let him get out of the pool. I finally caved because I felt bad for the others in the class that had to listen to this little fit:( I let him out on the side of the pool and he went and got his Gamamma's keys and headed for the door saying "bye bye". Oh, the joy of our babies:) Ha ha...what he doesn't know is that he is going back for 6 more days of this!
Testing the water!
Canaan and his friend Ava!And finally one is the pool!

I really hope we have better luck tomorrow!

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