Thursday, April 9, 2009

So much has changed!

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Well, Canaan Luke is now 14 1/2 months old and I haven't posted anything since he got his DOC Band off. I feel horrible about this! I realized today that it's hard to remember all the little things that he did at 9 months and 1 yr and so on. His baby book really stopped at 1 yr as far as where you can write all the stuff down so I am going to be dedicated to making sure I document this baby boy of ours! I have lots of pics:) I'm good there, it's just writing things down. So, heres some catching up!

Justin and I are doing great! He is still working so hard so I can stay home with Canaan. He is such a wonderful man! He loves his family, works hard for us, and loves the Lord. Canaan thinks it's the end of the world when Dada leaves, it's so sad! He adores him and he should.

Canaan is doing so many new things! He eats well, although can be picky in what he wants to eat;) He LOVES juice for this boy! He would eat and sleep outside if we let him and gets terribly upset when we bring him inside. He is so smart! He signs more, please, eat, thank you, and blows kisses! He loves to kiss and hug. He pees in front of the potty every night, but we dont know why..hehe, He hearts bread..mmm his fav, He says Mama, Dada, G'ma, GanGan, dog, duck, cat, uh-oh, hiyo..for hello, g'bye, hole, poopoo, cookie, cracker, and more! He knows animal sounds, his fav is monkeys and dogs, he sits in his chair and looks at ALL of his books once a day at least. He brushes his teeth and calls himself an goo boy, minus the d. His smile is amazingly cute! He nods his head yes and no and does it while doing things he shouldn't. He loves tractors and trucks and says rooooommm, for vroom:) He drives the Wii wheels like he is playing and says rooomm. This boy can dance too! He has happy feet! You say happy feet and he goes to town w/ his feet...Gangan taught him that. He has 4 top teeth and 4 bottom and 2 upper molars. He loves the vacuum cleaner and runs and chases it. He tried to plug anything electronic into any wall, outlet or not. Takes pitures and videos of himself...accidental but he does all the time! He sleeps so well!! Yay:) All night and 2 naps. He tries to feed himself with a spoon, he like cheerios in everything...yogurt, fruit, milk, eggs. He likes to watch...on occassion, Imagination Movers, Handy Manny and Backyardigans. He loves trains and airplanes. He still takes 3 bottles and day, a paci at night, has a stuffed monkey, a snugli, and sits rear facing in the car! Im sure there is way more but Im tired! Ohhh, He absolutely LOVES 4 wheeler rides w/ Dada!

He has now decided that bath time is wasting time. He does it but it's quick. Hates eggs but if there are cheerios involved, then it's a go! Is not fond of diaper changing and is pretty sure naked is the way to be. Prefers dirty hands over clean, or maybe its the process of cleaning them. Dislikes having to hold hands while walking. NO juice or fast foods for this guy! Hates being told no, who doesnt? and he hates to wait for food, impatient on that one!

So, this is Canaan in a couple paragraphs...I'll do my best to keep this up! Maybe it wont be so long then;)

1 comment:

The Peek Family said...

Welcome back to the blogging world! Canaan is getting so big! So much fun to see him and hear all about him. I'm glad that you are writing all these little things down. It's easy to forget them. I can't wait to read more of your posts.