Thursday, September 25, 2008

Canaan's DOC Band

I wish that I had started a blog about his band earlier. Oh well, just another thing to add to my list of things that do NOT get done these days;) If yall don't already know, Canaan was referred to a cranial specialist on his 6 month well baby check. He was evaluated and it was decided that he would be fitted for a band for his brachycephaly. Because of this "flattening" on that back of his head, he had some mild facial asymmetry and a slight tilt of his head to the left. Justin and I would have never known it until it was pointed out to us. He looked perfect to us!

On August 6th, we had Canaan fitted for his very own DOC Band. Some of the clinics still use casting, which is plastering a mold of the babies head leaving only the mouth uncovered to breathe. Luckily, our clinic in Dallas has new technology that allows them to scan a baby's head digitally without any discomfort. I'm not sure I could have handled the other very well. It takes 2 weeks to get the band back to the clinic to be put on, so on August 20th Canaan got his band. This is him before the therapist put his band on...

and after...

So, to skip ahead, we are now at 5 weeks of treatment. We have decorated his band as a soccer ball. I will be changing it this week to be cow print;) He has not had any sleeping issues, thank goodness, because he is not a great sleeper anyways! He is actually sleeping better with it. He went back to the clinic after 1 week, then at 3 weeks, then just Wednesday at 5 weeks. The therapist said that he is doing VERY well and that we can expect him to have it on for 5-6 more weeks! Very exciting!! Most babies his age have to wear it a little longer, so I am thrilled! He is now 8 months old and starting to pull up on things and crawl, and the band doesn't affect his development in any way. Well, I guess that's all for now, just wanted to record everything so far with his treatment. We are very happy about our decision to proceed with treatment of his brachycephaly. You can already see a huge difference. Slowly, his little head is going back to being as perfectly round as it was when he was born!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOVE the soccer ball!!!! We just got our band today and I want to do a soccer ball also. How did you do it? Did you paint it? I would love more info. If you have time I would love to hear more. My email is