Ok, I have done it again! I really think I am too busy to be blogging, but if Tara can do it, then I guess I can too;) haha. I just can't seem to find the time to write in this thing! It's quite the busy day with Canaan Luke:) We wake up way too early, play all morning, then he naps for maybe and hour and a 1/2, then we play some more! No really, there is cleaning the house involved all day too, and dinner to cook. Yes, I cook now. So, now my little angel is sleeping, and so is the husband I take care of. I am free to blog now!
Being a stay at home mom is way more tiring than I ever imagined. But, every bit worth it! I get the joy of seeing my little man grow up. Justin and I are blessed to be able to make it on his income alone. He works so hard which is why he is on the living room floor asleep! Let me tell you, he feel asleep under the fort of pillows and the ottoman that Canaan and I constructed this evening. Normally, Canaan feels it necessary that we play outside all night long but tonight, he was actually very content playing inside with his mama and dada! He never asked once to go outside, it was nice for a change. So, we made this fort and while Justin was hiding under it waiting for Canaan to go in and get him, he went to sleep. Canaan kept going under there giving him things...his water, keys, a golf club, you know, the things you might want to sleep with? Canaan took care of it! He kept going inside blowing his little football whistle at him too. It was so funny and we had the best time. This boy of mine is precious beyond belief!
Canaan Luke is 19 months old today! Can't believe it's gone by this fast. He is a tractor, 4-wheeler, truck, mud, water, bubble, anything electronic, lovin little guy! He loves to watch Mickey Mouse Club House, Special Agent Oso, Little Einsteins and Imagination Movers. He dances, sings, runs, jumps and spin in circles. He draws on paper, or "pap pap". One of his greatest masterpieces is on the fridge;) Loves to read books, feeds himself with forks and spoons, only likes water and milk still, no juice! His favorite words are "Hi", "peese", and "ok". His favorite music is a cd of Bible songs that his great grandmama sent to him. He likes for us to pray and he says "Amen". Tonight, he actually told me to "pay". He eats most foods but doesn't like eggs, steak, or sugary cereals. He loves Cheerios still and anything with blueberry's. His new love is blackberries and Kiwi. He eats his veggies too. He is now kicking a ball around, maybe soccer in his future? He tells us " I luh lu" or I love you. I could keep going but I won't! There are just so many new and great things that our little man and we are so proud of him. Could ya tell?
Canaan Luke is 19 months old today! Can't believe it's gone by this fast. He is a tractor, 4-wheeler, truck, mud, water, bubble, anything electronic, lovin little guy! He loves to watch Mickey Mouse Club House, Special Agent Oso, Little Einsteins and Imagination Movers. He dances, sings, runs, jumps and spin in circles. He draws on paper, or "pap pap". One of his greatest masterpieces is on the fridge;) Loves to read books, feeds himself with forks and spoons, only likes water and milk still, no juice! His favorite words are "Hi", "peese", and "ok". His favorite music is a cd of Bible songs that his great grandmama sent to him. He likes for us to pray and he says "Amen". Tonight, he actually told me to "pay". He eats most foods but doesn't like eggs, steak, or sugary cereals. He loves Cheerios still and anything with blueberry's. His new love is blackberries and Kiwi. He eats his veggies too. He is now kicking a ball around, maybe soccer in his future? He tells us " I luh lu" or I love you. I could keep going but I won't! There are just so many new and great things that our little man and we are so proud of him. Could ya tell?